Saturday, November 22, 2008

The two guys in my life and the rubber chicken

These two have one thing in common the blue blanket and that damn rubber chicken The blanket that has been in the family since I was a kid. The rubber chicken god only knows where it came from one day it was just "here" When Gabe goes to the bathroom the Chiuhuha drags it (the blanket) into the next room then returns for his rubber chicken and sleeps. Gabe gets in with him.They tear up the room playing games with (you guessed it) the chicken . This chicken never gets old. I tink someone is secretly replacing it!!!! and then both sleep along side his majesty.....the chicken! . This is a everday occurence. They even seem to have it timed. This occurs during the time dishes need drying. Trash needs to be taken out or anything that doesnt require fun and laughter and play needs doing. If I need someone to go to the store. They ar both asleep. Yet, I love them both. If I had to wake up without either of my lazy sleepers I'd as soon be dead! Our Patrick will turn 3 (thats 21 in dog years) November 24th his gift? Gabe bought him a cornish hen (oh lord help us) I hope I get my own hen! or at the least my own rubber chicken!

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