See the houselights start to blink? and the sky is turning pink. Gosh what will the neighbors think cause here it is tomorrow again
I cant believe how fast the weekend went. I just cant believe it. I have been tempted to put a APB out on whoever stole the day!
I had a great weekend full of music, fun
and great company!
I actually liked the people I was with. I didn't know some of them them all that well but, really I liked them.
Don't think this strange. Gabes friends are totally different than mine. Totally, they think of four things (which order? hell if I know) music, sex and food. Oh and XBOX ( did i mention X Box is a tool of the devil?) Just ask Pat Robertson (lol) so im sitting here on the computer while they are piled up in the living room acting ignorant but the crew is nice even the females we hung with were gorgeous Females , that I swear spend 80% of their waking time perfecting their looks. I mean from head to toe. i think its cool a little shallow maybe cause Im just an average loooking person. But,, its cool. I cant hate.
Now, I want to write this down cause I want to see how I feel about it next November.
Sye is from Philadelphia, Hes been here now about ^ months this is the fourth time weve alkl been out together. He use to be a boxer so he claims anyway. Went to prison for beating a guy up in Georgia. gabe says he was sent to state prison in Ga Plausible. He is about 6 ft 1 maybe 6 even. Hes older than than Gabe I think hes like 44 Light skin and has green eyes , skin a little pockety like he had acne as a teen maybe. He is part of some independent music company called lowlife productions here in Brooklyn ( thats a awful name) . They do a lot of hip hop stuff. He gave me a bunch of free Cd's but I don't understand that mess especially when its the Non commercial type. So (to break the ice) I asked him was it possible they might have a little Dinah Washington and he fell out laughing . Looking like what is this kid doing asking for some ol shit like that. I knew that's what he wanted to say LOL Gabe rolled his eyes and even he had to laugh. I just wanted to break the ice its weird when your with your mates friends. I always want them to like me. Don't know why, My own people I might I could care less if they like me or not. But, I try to really be on point with his friends.
My friend Shawn said "fuck that, be yourself. " That's why Shawn he aint got nobody and wont ever have nobody. It doesn't hurt me to be polite and let them have their moment. Without always having to be all up in the set. Let a dude be a dude damn! that's my motto. Also, its just gabe works in clubs and they (the DJ's ) network. If so and so cant do a gig they have this thing where they call each other and put the squeeze on the club owner saying " I can get so and so but hell need 5% off the bar. The club owners pressed go for it and many the day when i wasn't working that network has kept us fed! Also, the sexuality thing in that world is cool. It doesn't really matter whose gay or straight or whatever its all about the music. These people live and breathe music same as a musician almost. Another thing is if theirs no work they look out with off the book jobs etc. They are a family I don't think club goers ever get to see that. Its very hard to make a living being just a DJ unless you get famous or something. I thnk they just have a love for it.
we don't really have mutual friends per se. My friends are basically left overs from elementary school days we've known each other since and people I have met that arent really friends per se but associates. Gabes friends & are all Panama, PR or DJ and even though nana was panama I speak very little spanish and its work when they get into a session and im three sentences behind. So i don't like to stifle them because after every few sentence's its always, papi su comprende es ok?" So they can flow I'm usually busying myself doing other stuff. less its my down on the X Box
We all went to the Club New York and there were three cool females but they were all in their twenties very early twenties so i kinda felt left out but being the voyeur I am im kewl with that. The music was by a Texas DJ named Mr.B it was sort of like a jungle house blended with hip hop and trance. It was OK. I think most of the peoples their are on X because they totally be into their own world. I never tried X before. I'm too scared i will go there and forget how to come back!
I enjoyed myself. Gabes brother who I don't care for too much hes a crackhead spends allllll I mean allll his money on drugs. he doesn't steal tho and makes close to two hundred bucks a day on a slow day. Hes a self employed contractor. But since he spends all his money on drugs hes always broke which leaves feeding him a "family affair" crap! I always wanna feed him a box of laxatives cause hes so full of shit.
gabe doesn't seem to mind their brothers he came to the USA about 9 years ago and I still ask him where is his return ticket. he ignores me. But secretly, we get along its just our way. nana loved him. His nickname is Juice and he got along with my parents better than Gabe. Go figure
Anyway, I drank a great wine last night im swearing off hard liquors my metabolism isn't what it use to be! Plus, i cant wake up and get breakfast made in this house if I don't make breakfast we go hungry unless their is cold cereal and I'm a pancake and egg and may po type person.
I had fun that's my weekend.
Now, to get ready for this week!
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