Sunday, February 08, 2009

Weekend Fun at new resturant

This weekend was pretty kewl. Theres a great resturant in Brooklyn Heights its owned by the Chipotle family. I learned of this family while watching PBS. Every now and then I like the Public Brodcasting Network. They have great cooking shows. I dont care for Rachel Ray shes to me just uppper class Trailer Park Cusine. I mean anyone can cook a 30 minute meal to base a whole show around depriving your family of a nutrious slow cooked meal to me is just too much of the too much but hey, thats just me.

I guess a lot of people maybe grew up on Hamburger Helper and stuff like that...

Anyway, their was this little ole white lady an Italian lady and she was going this baking thing for the Holidays and either I couldnt find the remote or I was just too damn lazy but I watched the show.

I was so impressed I even wrote down the recipe and true to her word it really was easy and we ate all these cookies they were like the macadamian things around the holiday and I even ( yes this is mad corny) but I did, gave some away as gifts. But just to the people I didnt want to give a gift to any damn way and plus I knew whatever they gave me would be from the 99cent Emporioum some where across town.

So the resturant was so clean I mean really and yes they even had mexican staff ( can you say minium wage) but it was great two people can have a great meal for 26.00 and we even got some damn awful margaruitas but I mix mine with sprite to make it drinkable.

It was fun

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