Monday, June 12, 2006

Cotton club 2006

2006 this is from the old hip top site I had to rescue my pictures off
I remember I took this with a sidekick 2 from the drivers side of the
grand caravan at about 4pm.
I love harlem and it pissed me off I can't find the pics I took of the
last history of west 133rd street.
I had a pic of }he hot cha bar and grill which I think the last owner
was Wilt Chamberlin in the 1970's
Billie Holiday used to sing their with Garland Wilson backing her. That
was the 1930ls
I had a pic of the basement laundry that use to house the catagonia club
later known as the Log Cabin or Pods and Jerrys damn shame
We never know what's enough until we've had more than enough