Sunday, September 13, 2009

My friend (Random sunday morning thoughts)

My best friend to be around is named Farah. She is 30 years old. I am older than her by 4 years so she calls me "Big Brother"

She was born in Haiti and is really very sweet and beautiful. Really. We are like two kids. We sing and joke and often talk of very serious things. Her only problem is she doesnt like to play Monopoly.

She has three young children. But she is a good mother. She spends time teaching them manners and keeping them clean. They are boys so that is very hard.

Her husband is one of my best str8 friends. We are like a family. A dysfuntional family..... but a family just the same.

Sometimes, I am afraid to enjoy close friends for I worry when the friendship ends it will be painful. But realistically you just have to go on and enjoy the moment.

Even tho I am male my closest friends are female and we have really good boundaries that I have trouble having with my male friends that are gay.

My gay friends always want to talk about really silly shit. Like tween age boys. I have a friend named Lawrence whenever he gets laid which thank Jesus isnt often he calls and I have to stop him from giving me a blow by blow description. To me, sex is cool but its nasty when you have to imagine or visulize your friend doing it. I like my friends to have SOME mystery.At least in that department.

He says "ah you are so old fashion but I came from one of those homes where they didnt talk much about sex. I think my father taught me the birds and the bees crap at twelve from (OMG) a book called "Almost twelve" so I basically figured stuff out on my own . God bless him. Lawrences mother was like an alcoholic so their house was party central but otherwise we are cool friends.

I had a female friend that was the same but she was like a slut anyway. So I couldnt say to much. I think she lied sometimes too. She wasnt the easiest person to look at. But, that doesnt matter when it comes to sex. She was gay for like a year. LOL Hell what advice could I give her? I had no idea what they do and wasnt very interested anyway. She and I havent seen each other in awhile ( god is good)

I dated a really homely dude once named Glen. he looked like E.T. well not really but they use to call him E.T. I thought he was kinda cute. He had skin the color of a pale walnut and really silky wavy hair but he had a small face thats how he got the name E.T. I really liked him. One time me and my mother went to the publix ( I was living in Fla) and he screwed my neighbor and left the door unlocked and someone stole our TV. I remember I didnt care that he screwed somone I was pissed that our brand new TV got stolen in the process. That is so funny to me when I think back. His mother was an Evangelist. One of them protestants I guess. She was always talking about the worms are gonna consume us. That ole bitch. I cussed her out at Churchs fried chicken. She made me mad. She was so holy she was to holy for earth and to damn evil for heaven.

If you were an only child you understand we have issues. I serve no purpose are in the sharing department. I will go out and buy you your own rather than share mine. LOL.

I wish I could say I am working on that but no need lying.

Oh well. That is my random thoughts for this morning.

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