Ok Gabes brother is staying here tempo so I leave today at about 11:00 AM I have a really bad habit of just leaving the computer on. Probably because I just do.
This MF is all over my email, blogs adding stuff and everything I'm like so tight. When I get home at 3am I'm looking at my blog page and entries like WTF. Did I post this? Like I'm a candidate for mild dementia till i see the damn spelling
I swear its a damn shame when peeps in your house don't respect others boundaries. I am already pissed with having two guys in the house. Id like to at least hear a female voice every now and then. its soothing!
I told Gabe see this crap? All I get is "U know how Chulo is" When my friends stop by he wants to get all in the conversation.
I whipped his ass four years ago something special and I tell you I will catch him on the toilet bowl taking a crap and beat his ass ( cuz hes kinda thick I have to squirrel him) One night he was on Yahoo just having fun with my contacts. hes a pain It wont kill me but if anyone got any BS i apologize tho he said he only posted some BS on here. From my email!
The last straw was I wake up and he has some nasty heifer in the house bent over and hes fucking her in the butt. ON MY SOFA! So I had to put her ass out and do u know that bitch had the nerve to say " Chulo said this his brothers place too" I told that bitch ill kill her and put her in the damn dumpster. Get OUT! Nerve of that bitch and I saw no nary a used condom!
Now its a no win with Gabe cause its his younger brother his heart. The great Panamanian hope. He loves his brother and I always get a weak " cmon man respect my peoples" when I tell him his brother did this or that. He wont be jh=here long. Hell he eats in his room. The leftovers that provide us with a hot lunch. I had to make Liverwurst and a few days I ate P&J
No one washes the dishes, No one takes the clothes and dumps them at the chininese laundry to be done. Patrick wasnt walked. gabe wants to act like his azz is actually running the house all of em will be god damn deported! Yet everyone eats, sucks up cable and leaves the light burning. Even our change jar ( last year by december in my big industrial pickle jar I turned in 478.00 to my saving from spare change! Granted I take everypones in the house but its a tradition. This fucker steals the change and buys cakes and stuff!
Hell! I don't live in the PJs so i have to pay a light bill. Gabe pays the gas (which they don't use cuz they don't cook)
We don't really split bills. We alternate on the rent so each month one of us can splurge.
Half the time he walks around in his funky ass boxers watching TV. I know its a vacation but damn.
The problem is. When Gabe and I were just friends. Me and his Brother were cool. I mean we played ball all sorts of crap when I was down their. I dont really think hes Bi or anything but he will ask a lot of questions and thats not cool at al. When I spaz he makes my life hell or says slick stuff like " Damn Gabe he got a mad cut mouth da da da..Then a whole new fight breaks out. All last week and weekend me and him are arguing about everything from the time the sun comes up til l it is loong gone.
I'm stuck with him... The sad thing is we really get along but the thinks the world owes him something for being him I guess... and its not like that.